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Why stopping vaccination mandates is so vital to our community & to humanity

Discussion in 'General Vaccine Discussion' started by LauraLaRue, Sep 15, 2017.

  1. LauraLaRue

    LauraLaRue Moderator Moderator

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    Remember when Julie Gerberding was quoted on camera as saying that vaccination can set off ASD in those predisposed with a mitochondrial disorder? Her comment got me to thinking, have vaccination stakeholders known for ages that vax can pull the trigger? Why do they publicly insist that vax are not to blame, and say it all comes down to our genetics? When vax stakeholders blame our genetics for vaccination injuries, are they being totally honest? Are they presenting consumers with the whole story? Why do they use such doublespeak, which creates a doublebind for the vaccine injured victim. That's us!

    Point being, if everybody is vaccinated under the vaccination mandates intended for all (according to their admitted longterm plans), won't the well be polluted & the damage be done?

    If genetic testing is done after contaminated, mass mandated vaccination uptake (I presume that is key), every one will have heavy metal nano particulates, glyphosate, retroviruses implanted (oh and God knows what else), at that time yes? Then meds & new vaccines can be prescribed accordingly. And the grift just goes on.

    I ask myself, can death & chronic illness always be blamed on poor genetics as long as the population believes in the mythical power of vax? Probably. I was a brainwashed, vaccination believer at one time. The slick astroturfing campaigns PharmaDotPublicHealth rolls out are hard to resist, IF you don't know that your autoimmune disorder was acquired from your vaccination violation. Yes, your Hashimoto or Huntington disease appeared out of the thin blue after your last vaccination --but because your MD didn't explain how vaccination can initiate autoimmune disorders, you are left holding the bag. And so it goes.

    I just read that the perps are already pushing HTLV awareness & blaming that syndrome on our bad genetics, not on the retroviruses in the vaccines. The perpetrators always seem to be 10 steps ahead of us in this cat and mouse game. By the time most people learn vax "set off" their autoimmune diseases will the perps say, oh no, you already had it? Not to worry, now we have advanced meds & tech to treat you! Of course, you'll have to take our meds for the rest off your life, but we can save you.

    The wolves guarding the henhouse need us to trust them when they've been monstrous to vaccine injured families all along, smearing them on social media. For those who don't know it, it's true. They berate the vaccine injured and label us "AntiVax" when it was putting our faith in their lies and buying into vaccination violation that has destroyed so many families lives to begin with. They say, "Your baby didn't die after her vaccination, from a brain on fire and stroke! You must have shaken her to death! SIDS, is what killed your baby, not the vaccination."

    Watch Polly Tommey's interviews with distraught families devastated by vaccination to hear the array of excuses the medical authorities give for vaccine initiated deaths, brain injuries and chronic illness. It's never the vaccines they claim, risks are rare. Of course what they don't tell you is that only 2-10% of vaccination injuries are reported to VAERS!

    The wolves guarding the henhouse need us to buy into their pseudoscientific notions which always lack the proper safety testing. For example, the CDC's Vaccination schedule of ever expanding combo vax doses has never been tested for safety. Yet we're suppose to line our children up for a gamble like that? What are they smoking at the CDC?

    And get this! While they've mapped the human genome, they aren't using it to identify children predisposed with mitochondrial disorders, to rule them out as poor candidates for vaccination. Nah. Instead they are using it to condition people to accept their tall tales. To blame people for poor genetics. "It looks like you are predisposed to having an autoimmune disorder, it was only a matter of time, so you actually weren't injured by the greatest invention of all time, vaccines". Huh?

    Instead of identifying poor candidates for vaccination (which in my opinion is everybody), they have been busy engineering "smart vaccines" for "smart cities". I ask you, I s this book a glimpse into what's coming down the pike if we continue to buy into their psycho bullying and tyrannical medical mayhem? If so...check please! I'm opting out.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    What we know is that the perps want the nationwide & worldwide vax mandates. What we know is that they are poisoning the well. Dr. Judy Mikovits has blown the whistle on that. She told us that the retroviruses came from contaminated vaccine drugs. Therefore, are we going to allow greedy psychotics manipulating a psychotic healthcare system, to drive humanity off a cliff? Will we allow them to continue to implant people with retroviruses and other nasties in vaccines? Then allow them to cover it up via manipulative genetic testing, which blames the victims? It all sounds like something out of an Ian Fleming novel. But remember what vaccine makers have done throughout history, and with the assistance of governments and their public health systems.

    I would very much like to see Del Bigtree, Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Jack go on Highwire to discuss how genetics could possibly be used to infuse new life into the vax programs, and even keep the perpetrators out of prison. It's an aspect of the medical science fraud vs medical freedom fight that needs to be addressed, before it's too late. Do you agree?

    Please share your thoughts, research and leave your comments and supportive links below.

    We're stronger together<3

    Good links:
    Dr. Judy Mikovits on the Vaxxed Bus

    As Government Denies Existence of Retroviruses, Big Pharma Prepares to Make Huge Profits from Treatment

    Please Sign: 5 Year Moratorium on Childhood Vaccines, Repeal of 1986 NCVIA & End Pharma's Control of Media

    Stop The Slaughter:
    White House Petition + FDA Petition =
    Political Pressure + Legal Standing


    Thanks for visiting Forums.Vactivists.com & be sure to give @VeritasDolor some love on twitter, thank her for creating this vax injured community sanctuary, where we can brain storm and discuss the issues that matter to us the most.
    Veritas Dolor and Andrea like this.

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