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Vaccine Watch High intelligence: A risk factor for psychological and physiological overexcitabilities

Discussion in 'Studies' started by LauraLaRue, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. Veritas Dolor

    Veritas Dolor vActivist Administrator

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    Wow that paper!

    My older son knew all his body parts, colors, and was solving puzzles before the age of 1.

    At the age of 2 I took him for a test. The woman giving him the test had him sorting colors and shapes and then she asked him, "how old are you?" He put up 2 fingers and said two. She shook her head and put up 4 fingers and said,"aren't you four?" He shook his head and said two! She looked at me questioningly and I said, "no, he's 2". She gasped and said "omgosh I misread his file and just gave him a four year old's test and he passed with flying colors!"

    Watching video after video of kids who have regressed, many of the parents say their kids were not only hitting their milestones, but far exceeding them.

    I would say to hubby, there has to be a way they are targeting smart kids.

    But it was an empty statement, I didn't see how it was possible. More like a science-fiction bypassing thought.

    This paper is just mind blowing!

    If anyone thinks targeting the smart people would be far fetched, they need to look at history. Look at the Khmer Rouge. Anyone who was considered really smart was dispensed of quickly.

    The dumbing down of society in many cases is considered beneficial to many governments.

    My two cents,
    LauraLaRue likes this.
  2. LauraLaRue

    LauraLaRue Moderator Moderator

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    96B76E98-0028-4862-9F39-6E46DCD18DEB.jpeg B55EF1DA-893C-4CE1-B767-97FEB9A3A3C7.jpeg Am I reading this right?? Is this study suggesting that high IQ (subset) people can worry themselves into asthma, allergies and autoimmune diseases? Is it suggesting that environmental stressors initiate the anxiety which then triggers diseases —not the environmental stressors (toxic chemicals, vaccination, etc) triggering diseases? Isn’t this a white wash?

    We need Heather White and Dr Lyons-Weiler to comb this new study stat!
    Veritas Dolor likes this.

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