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•  You are 18 years of age or older and you are accessing this website for personal use only!
•  By viewing these forums, you certify you are not a member or affiliated with any of the following: Voices for Vaccines, CDC, Emory University, Task Force for Global Health, UC Hastings, FDA, World Health Organization, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or any other group pushing vaccination, or vaccination compliance.
•  You are not a member, employer, employee, sympathizer, freelancer, representative of any pharmaceutical company.
•  You are not a member of Antivax wall of shame, Embarrassed Cousins of Proud Parents of Unvaccinated Children or other similar organization/groups, or any that bullies, demeans, make fun of, or harasses those w/ different beliefs on vaccinations.
•  This is a contractual agreement, and you contractually agree not to screenshot, or share our material in groups such as Antivax Wall of Shame, or any similar groups or any previously mentioned groups.

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The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content and accounts ("Content"). Content submitted express the views of their author only.

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws.

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  1. Users 18 and over only
  2. No Porn
  3. No illegal images of any sort, including but not limited to: Child pornography, bestiality, etc
  4. When posting studies and articles, they must follow generally accepted guidelines as to not be considered plagiarism. Violations of this rule will result in the post being deleted and warnings issued. Multiple warnings could result in bans
  5. Please be aware to each of the forum rules, as each forum may have their own set of rules
  7. No vaccine propaganda pushing, we might add in a forum where pro vaxxers might be able to debate and have their say, but otherwise vax pushers are not welcome
  8. no joining the forums to harass, make fun of, etc... if it is known that you have any other agenda on here other than being a sincere member of the community, you will be banned
  9. we reserve the right to ban and not allow your use to these forums at any time for any reason
  10. no screen capturing and sharing conversations from private forums, unless blotting out names and or with author's permission
  11. members of groups such as Voices for Vaccines, Antivax wall of shame, are not allowed to use these boards.


Anyone claiming to be a physician has not been verified as one. Use advice and opinions at your own risk.

All posts by physicians are their opinions only, nothing should be construed as medical advice as every person is different with different medical needs. There is no legally established doctor patient relationship on these boards, and no doctor can reasonable be expected to make any medical decisions without physically examining a patient and knowing their medical history. No physicians should be held accountable for their advice or opinions expressed on these boards.

All postings from anyone using these boards should be taken as opinions only and not medical advice. Please consult your own physicians for your own medical needs.