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Regarding Lawsuit on some of the activists in our community

Discussion in 'Call To Action!' started by Veritas Dolor, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. Michelle Sparenborg

    Michelle Sparenborg Indoctrinated Newbie

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    I don't know if this will help the case. I know that there are anti-predatory lending and pricing laws. Could Eve's actions be considered predatory? With mortgages you have 3 day writer rescission. Unfortunately you don't have that option for vaccines. Her actions to just change to include it (after always asking) in the write up of vaccines being administered and present it to the parents the day of is deceiving.
    Veritas Dolor likes this.
  2. Veritas Dolor

    Veritas Dolor vActivist Administrator

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    Interesting thought, I will send what you wrote to Dr. Jim Meehan!

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